I'm not religious.

I’m not religious, and I never will be. 
  • Manmade traditions don’t satisfy me. 
  • I don’t go to church because I have to. 
  • I don’t hold my tongue on Sundays and let loose the rest of the week.

The bible is the bible, and additional, irrelevant rules and regulations are not what God intended for us.

Jesus called out the religious teachers of his day—the ones who tithed, but ignored justice, mercy, and faithfulness—the ones who took care of outward appearance, but ignored the unseen inner parts. Jesus said these people will appear as righteous, but are indeed full of hypocrisy and wickedness (Mathew 23:23-28).

Nowhere does the bible say only members of a certain religion will enter heaven. Many, many religions say you must adhere to their principles to enter heaven, but Romans 10:9 says whoever believes in their heart and professes with their mouth that Jesus is Lord will be saved.

I choose to go to church because I want to encounter God with the help of wise teaching and engaging in community.

God didn’t call me to be religious, and he didn’t call you to be religious, either. 


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