News Writing

My spring semester recently started and I’m pretty excited about it. So far I really like my classes and I’m extra, extra excited for Intro to News Writing.

You may or may not already know that I’m transferring to another college this fall (2015) in order to major in Agricultural Communication. Everyone is directly affected by agriculture; all people eat and most wear clothes. The agriculture industry as a whole needs more effective communicators.

I don’t know where my degree will take me, but this Intro to News Writing class is bound to pay off. And it’s fun, too!

Last week the professor gave everyone in the class one of these awesome notebooks. For an aspiring communicator, this little notebook is a huge deal!

Like my classmate said, it's like our own handy dandy notebook. 
(Did you get that reference?)

So far, I’ve been amazed at the detailed information we’ve been learning. News writing isn’t just writing things down and publishing them; there’s a right way and a wrong way. The Associated Press Stylebook is packed with terms and guidelines, like a news-specific dictionary and rule book.

The overriding theme of the class seems to be just what one of our textbooks' title is: Telling the Story.

What do you know about news writing? Does this topic interest you? I’d love to hear what you think!


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